Every Easter in New York City, Fifth Avenue in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral becomes filled with folks dressed up in their Easter best, with elaborately crafted Easter bonnets. And plenty of tourists to take their pictures! I strolled around for about an hour this morning and drew a few that caught my eye…
Birds of a feather flock together!
This couple was too cool. I think she even had business cards in her purse – maybe they do appearances? : )
Dapper Dans with bunny shaped eyeglasses, sherbet colored jackets, and canes. Of course!
I loved these two sisters with their pink hats making their way through the crowd.
This couple was very elegantly attired for the holiday.
Even the little puppies were getting in on the act.
This mother and daughter were twins in tribal peeps hats and smiles to match.
Happy Easter everyone, and happy spring!