Guardian Spirit

vl_blue_empire_stateThe Empire State Building was blue on Saturday night – I had to draw it. For a good many years of my adult life, I’ve lived within view of the Empire State Building. She has become a kind of presence for me, a guardian spirit. When I saw her shining blue light it made me think of all those people in Sandy Hook – the poor little children and their teachers who’ve left us, and all the grieving families and friends they left behind. I felt like I wanted to send my guardian spirit of the Empire State Building to them, so I made this drawing. I hope they all can find peace again in their lives. And I hope we Americans can solve this problem together.


Comments (3)

  1. Lucia B.

    I am moved by this post, your sketch of the Empire State Building with its expressionist power really seems to reveal something beyond reality. And your thought for the the people in Sandy Hook touches me, I still can’t believe what has happened there, it’s too cruel.

  2. Veronica

    Thank you Lucia. Something about the blue light the other night felt very emotional to me.

  3. Don McNulty

    It is hard to find the appropriate words for these tragedies. I like yours. Our thoughts are with all the loved ones of the children.

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